1. By signing this form I certify that the information contained in this packet is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
2. By signing this form I agree to be bound by the responsibilities and expectations set forth in this application if I receive a contribution.
3. By signing this form, I commit to attend a minimum of 90% of all scheduled practices and games for recreational sports and 95% of all scheduled practices and games for competitive sports.
4. By signing this form, I am demonstrating a need for assistance as noted on application. I have no other resources to obtain the needed items.
5. I understand that no guarantee of assistance is implied by this application and contributions are awarded if funds are available
and if I am eligible.
6. I understand that I may not be provided cash as a contribution.
7. I agree to submit a post-season survey on the Foundation website within 7 days of the season ending.
9. I agree to display proper sportsmanship while practicing, playing, discussing and representing sports and the Adam Whitt Foundation in any way.
See parent terms & conditions on the next page...