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Image of the Nevada desert & mountains with a beautiful sunset

A Bit About Us

Adam Whitt has faced adversity in many ways throughout his life. Getting diagnosed with and battling cancer at the young age of 25, he had to learn how to deal with different and difficult situations that have shaped him into who he is today. He accredits a lot of his success in these situations to things he learned while growing up and playing multiple sports. Many of the things he has fallen back on in tough times have been lessons he has learned from playing sports as a kid.


Adam earned a walk-on spot at the University of Nevada baseball team while also earning his bachelors degree, he was drafted by the Houston Astros, and now he has become a professional in golf and created the goal of starting a foundation to help youth have more opportunities in sports in hopes that playing sports will help them the way they have helped him in life. 


He also noticed that sports had the ability to keep kids out of trouble by keeping them busy after school, teaching them structure, routine and giving them an outlet. Thus, how the Adam Whitt Foundation began.


We realize that sports can be expensive for families. From entry fees, to equipment, to uniforms, and travel costs, it can start to add up quickly. This is why we are on a mission to raise money & help kids and their families with these costs. Understanding and seeing the value that sports can play in a child's life is why we don't want money to be an obstacle for them to participate in any sport they want. Whether it is skiing, baseball, golf, tennis, soccer or any other sport a kid is interested in. We want to facilitate their access and ability to play.

Image of the founder Adam Whitt and his wife, Sara Whitt


Photographed by Corey Fox

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